Religious Communication Association

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Journal of Communication and Religion

Published quarterly by the Religious Communication Association publishes, JCR addresses concerns of religious communicators and communication scholars through publication of original research and reviews of current publications in the field of religious communication. RCA membership includes a subscription to the journal.

Call for Papers. The Journal of Communication and Religionpublishes original articles that advance theory and research about communication in religious contexts. Articles are expected to use rigorous theory and methodology to develop insightful arguments that further knowledge, understanding, and care about the intersections of communication and religion. The journal accepts articles dealing with communication within the purview of any religion. Manuscripts should show strong scholarship, exemplary in its research type (either quantitative or qualitative). Writing should be clear, aesthetically pleasing, and effective. Its style should be gender-sensitive. At best, articles will contribute to the stock of knowledge in communication and religion, offering insights that can lead to positive religious, social, and cultural change.Each article is blind-reviewed by two members of the editorial board and/or readers, as well as the editor. Suggestions for revision will keep issues of argument, style, and contribution to the area of communication and religion in mind. The editor makes final publication decisions.

Author Instructions. Please submit articles as Microsoft Word attachments to an email addressed to Two files should be sent. One should contain a cover letter to the editor, with all of the author's contact information, current institutional affiliation, and the previous history of the manuscript. The second should contain a 100-word abstract and the manuscript itself, with nothing on it that identifies the author. Article formatting and citation should conform to the most current MLA, Chicago, or APA standards, depending on which is most appropriate for the type of article submitted. The paper should contain fewer than 35 double-spaced pages, including notes and citations. Manuscripts submitted to The Journal of Communication and Religion should not be under review at another journal. Authors can expect an initial decision within four months; the editor will notify authors of editorial progress.

Ideas for book reviews should be sent to David DeIuliis at


Susan Mancino
​Communication Studies
​Saint Mary's College
Moreau 102
​Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: 574.284.4649

Book Review Editor

David DeIuliis
Department of Communications & Media Arts 
Bethany College
31 East Campus Drive
Bethany, WV 26032
Phone: 304.829.7000