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Religious Communication Association

RCA Constitution

Preamble: Believing that insight into the communicative process is vital in understanding and practicing of religion, we the undersigned meeting in the Palmer House in Chicago, Illinois, December 27, 1974, establish this Constitution to deal cooperatively with the problems of religious communication.

Article I. Name

     The name of this organization shall be: The Religious Communication Association (RCA). Official use of Association's name shall be made only through the authority of the Executive Council of the Association.

Article II. Purpose

     The purpose of the Association shall be to provide a common organization for the study of religious communication by teachers, practitioners, and scholars. The Association is an educational, nonsectarian agency. All funds of the organization shall be used solely to achieve its stated purpose. The RCA is organized exclusively for, and will be operated exclusively for, literary and scientific purposes within the meaning of section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

Article III. Membership

     Membership in the Association shall be (is) open to persons and institutions interested in the purposes of the organization.

Article IV. Related Organizations

     The Executive Council shall seek to establish appropriate mutual relationship with other organizations in order to facilitate the fulfillment of the purposes of the organization.

Article V. Officers

     The officers of the association shall be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Executive Secretary, Editor of the Newsletter, and three Councilors. These eight shall constitute the Executive Council.

     The terms of Office shall be:

  • one year for the President, First Vice President, and Second Vice President;
  • three years each for the Councilors, the Communication Coordinator/Marketing Manager, and the Executive Secretary.
  • One Councilor shall rotate off the Executive Council each year.
  • The First Vice President shall succeed the President, and the Second Vice President shall succeed the First Vice President.

     The duties of each officer shall be stated in the Bylaws. In the event of the incapacity of any officer, the Executive Council shall, at its discretion, elect a replacement or establish a procedure for electing one.

     A majority of the membership of the Executive Council shall constitute a quorum to do official business. The Council shall be the principle policymaking body of the organization.

     The Executive Council shall have the power to make arrangements for the annual convention and the business meetings,  to establish relationships with other organization, to appoint ad hoc committees as shall be considered wise and necessary, to recommend divisions within the Association, to approve expenses, and to perform other such duties as may be set forth in the Constitution.

Article VI. Elections

     The Nominating Committee, at least thirty days prior to the annual meeting, shall present a slate of nominees for publication to the membership. Elections, with opportunity for nominations from the floor, shall be held at a business session during  the annual convention (meeting). A majority vote of those members present shall be required for election. This article shall be applicable following the 1974 convention.

     All officers shall be elected as noted above except for the Executive Secretary. Members present at the annual convention (meeting) shall vote "approve" or "disapprove" for the one candidate whom the Nominating Committee has determined as being qualified with the necessary skills and institution support required for the office of Executive Secretary.

Article VII. The Annual Convention

     There shall be an annual convention at such time and place as shall be determined by the Executive Council. The program of the annual meeting shall consist of presentations and workshops of interest to teachers, practitioners, and scholars of religious communication;  discussion of the Divisions; business meetings for consideration of reports and elections of officers; and meetings of newly elected officers and committees.

Article VIII. Quorum

     A quorum shall consist of those members in good standing and in attendance at a business meeting of the association, except that if less than twenty-five members are present, resolutions adopted in the meeting shall be referred to the membership by mail for ratification.

Article IX. (VIII). Amendment

     Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Council and/or by the membership in regular business sessions. Upon passage by a simple majority, proposed amendments shall be submitted to total membership by mail ballot. A two-thirds majority of those voting shall be required for ratification.

Article X (IX). Bylaws

     Bylaws not inconsistent with this Constitution may be adopted by a majority vote of the members present at a business meeting, provided that appropriate notice is made in writing 30 days in advance of the meeting.

Article XI (X). Parliamentary Authority

     Guidelines for the formal meetings shall be Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedures by Alice Sturgis.

Article XII (XI). Enabling Clause

     This constitution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.

Article XIII (XII). Dissolution

     This organization may be dissolved by a two-thirds vote of the membership present at a business meeting, provided a written notice of dissolution shall have been sent to all members at least thirty days prior to the meeting. In unusually dire circumstances, the Executive Council may recommend dissolution and secure approval with two-thirds majority of those voting in (membership by) a mail ballot. In the event of dissolution, assets of the Association shall be distributed for purposes clearly within the stated exempt purposes of section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.